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Giving Tuesday

After a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends we are back in the office rejuvenated and ready to hit the ground running. We hope everyone had time to enjoy the little things and think about what you’re grateful for; we know we did. I speak for all of us here at Global when I say that we are thankful for our new partnership with Be Strong. Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 28th, is Giving Tuesday and we are so proud and honored to say that we are joining forces with Be Strong and DIFF Eyewear.

For those of you whom don’t know, Giving Tuesday is basically like Cyber Monday, but for charities. Individuals and corporations raise money and/or donate on this national day devoted to giving back, in any way, shape, or form. Some people donate actual money, some donate their time, and some focus on fundraising efforts; we will be doing all of the above for Be Strong!

I know I have posted about our partnership with Be Strong before and what it means to me personally, but I am so excited that we get to give back, as well. Being able to help someone, whether it be financially or just giving some time to a cause, is just such an incredible feeling. I have participated in many philanthropic ventures and volunteer work before, but something about being able to give back to a cause that means so much to me just feels so great.

Giving Tuesday is super important to our whole team, for that matter.

“I like to give because I know that there are many underprivileged people out there,” said our CEO, Mike Levine.

He truly believes as people who have been given such amazing opportunities, it is our responsibility to contribute back to the communities and people in which we operate so that our country can become a better place. Being we are so like-minded, we all agree on that, as well. No matter how significant or minimal your contribution might be, if you’re helping, you are helping the collective movement to make the world a better place.

Elena Misoulis, our Director of Nutrition, is very passionate about giving back.

“I am blessed to come from an amazing family; amazing parents, extended family, and truly have such great friends, as well. When I sat and thought about all of that on Thanksgiving, I realized how often I get caught up in the moment and never actually stop to think about how fortunate I am,” she said.

“As grateful as I am, I know there are so many people suffering out there, and I just think the Be Strong cause is so important and their message needs to be spread.”

Throughout the year, we, as a company, donate to many different causes, cancer research, food banks, but Be Strong needs the help and recognition for what they do every day. They give kids (or anyone for that matter) an outlet, and guidance; whether it be help with standing up to a bully, suicide prevention, or helping bring light to an abusive situation at home, physical or emotional, Be Strong has the tools to assist you. Their movement and message is just so unique and perfectly aligns with our views and goals, as a company and individuals.

It’s really easy to get caught up in the craziness that we call “life.” Day to day, I find myself complaining or stressing about things that in the grand scheme of things, are just so minimal. When we spoke with Be Strong about joining them on Giving Tuesday, it really made me stop and think about how grateful I truly am. I have an amazing family that supports me in everything that I do; I have an amazing job, friends and even on my worst days, things aren’t all that bad. Giving back is just so important not only to help others that need it but honestly, as corny as it sounds, it helps you too. When you give back, it just makes you feel so good, especially when you get to see the outcome of your time and efforts; it’s an amazing feeling.

I know the holidays can be tough, and everyone is spending a lot of money (especially splurging on those Cyber Monday deals) but if you could even donate $5, it can go a long way. We really hope that you will find it in your hearts to raise some awareness for Be Strong.

Hoping everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving weekend and that you will join us in helping give the Be Strong movement the recognition it deserves!

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